- 133 SOV ‘A.S. Pushkin’ School, Sofia
- 1 st Private Mathematic School, Sofia, parvamatematicheska.com
- Yane Sandanski Primary School,
- Thomas Edison School, Sofia, edisonschool.eu
- The Little Prince Private School, Varna, thelittleprinceschool.com
- Alexander Georgiev Primary School, Burgas,
Our PSSP Schools
European, Canadian and Middle Eastern Schools
- Children’s Word Academy, LaSalle, Quebec, cwa.lbpsb.qc.ca
- Aylward Academy, London, sites.google.com/aetinet.org/aylwardacademy/home
- Saint Denis International School
- Velzys Gymnasium, Panevėžysvelziogimnazija.lt/index.php/lt
- Raguva Gymnasium Panevėžys,raguvosgimnazija.lt
- Naujamiestis Gymnasium, Panevėžys
- Cerklje Ob Krki
- Istituto Comprensivo
- Valcea Secondary School
- Tefen School, Migdal Tefen, tefenschool.org.il
- Gevanim School, Zoran-Qadima, linet.pro.net/il/anneu
- Science & Knowledge School, Karmiel
- Sholomy School, Karmiel
- Human2Human School, Warshaw, h2h.edu.pl/english/
- ZNP Primary School, Lodz, szkolaznp.edupage.org
- ProFuturo School, Ponzan • School4Child
- School4Child, school4child.pl
- Zespole Szkol Ekola, Wroclaw
- Lodka Dalton School
- Fundacja Primus Szkola
Asian Schools Uzbekistan
- Tashkent Presidential School portal.piima.uz/en/schools/presidental-schools/1
Turkish School Participants
- Acarkent Doga College, Istanbul,
- Ankara Doga College, Ankara,
- Atakent Doga College, Istanbul,
- Ataşehir Doga College, Istanbul,
- Bahçeşehir College, Izmir,
- Beykoz Doga College, Istanbul,
- Bilkent University Preparatory School, Ankara,
- British International School, Istanbul,
- Denizli Doga College, Denizli,
- Dogus Schools Group, Istanbul,
- Enka Schools, Istanbul,
- Gelisim Koleji, Izmir,
- Isikkent Egitim College, Izmir,
- Istek Acibadem, Istanbul,
- Izmir Ozel Turk College, Izmir,
- Kartal Doga College, Istanbul,
- Kemerburgaz Doga College, Istanbul,
- Kurtköy Doga College, Istanbul,
- Marmara College, Istanbul,
- MEF International School, Izmir,
- MEF Istanbul College, Istanbul,
- METU College, Ankara,
- SANKO College, Gaziantep,
- Sarıyer Doga Colllege, Istanbul,
- SEV Izmir American College, Izmir,
- TAKEV College, Izmir,
- TED College Ankara, Ankara,
- The Koc School, Istanbul,
- UKEB School, Izmir,
U.S. School Participants
- Browne Academy, Alexandria, Virginia, browneacademy.org
- Children’s Aid Society, New York City,childrensaidsociety.org/communityschools/locations/NYC/mirabalsisters
- Discovery School, Tennessee, dicksoncountyschools.org/tds
- Harry Eichler School, New York, New York, schools.nycenet.edu/csd27/ps56
- Hobgood NASA Explorer School, Murfreesboro, Tennessee,cityschools.net/schoolsites/hg/index.html
- Intermediate School 90, New York City, insideschools.org/middle/browse/school/226
- John Ericson Middle School, New York City, schools.nyc.gov/SchoolPortals/14/K126/default.htm
- Lindsey Middle School, Long Beach, lin.sbo.hampton.k12.va.us
- Middle School 244, New York City, ms324.org
- Middle School 206, New York City, insideschools.org/component/schools/school/180
- Middle School 324, New York City, ms324.org
- Middle School 328, New York City, schools.nyc.gov/SchoolPortals/06/M328/default.htm
- Miribal Sisters Schools, New York, New York, childrensaidsociety.org/community-schools/mirabal-sisters-campus
- Noble Academy, North Carolina, nobleknights.org
- Orville Wright Middle School, Los Angels, California, wrightms.org
- Rawson- Saunders School, Austin, Texas, rawson-saunders.org
- School of the Future, New York, New York, sof.edu/home/
- Thurgood Marshall Academy, New York, New York, thurgoodmarshallacademy.org/
- Valley Christian Elementary School, Bellflower, California, vcschools.org/page.cfm?p=11
- Washington Middle School, Long Beach, California, lbwashington.schoolloop.com/ vcschools.org/page.cfm?p=11