- Motivate them to pursue further studies in the fields of science and technology.
- Give many of the students an opportunity to visit a part of their country they have never seen and to meet young people their own age from all regions of Türkiye.
- Benefit from the Space Camp Türkiye program that combines learning, fun, and friendship.
- Motivate younger students to improve their academic skills so that they might be selected in coming years.
National Space Camp Week (NSCW) was held annually, 2004 – 2008, at Space Camp Türkiye and organized by Global Friendship Through Space Education (GFTSE) and the Turkish Ministry of Education. Space Camp Türkiye provided 445 scholarships to students and hosted 224 teachers from 77 provinces in Türkiye.
The purpose of National Space Camp Week was to bring successful Turkish students and teachers together from different regions of Türkiye to:
According to one American counsellor at Space Camp Türkiye, “some of those students had never left their city, never seen the sea; others had never met a foreigner.”